Methandienone 10 mg 50 pills


Produced by: Alpha Pharma

Quantity and dosage: 50 pills – 10mg

Active Substance: methandienone

Prescription: Not required.

Deliver to: Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Andorra, Chile, United States and all over the world.

Payment methods: PayPal, credit card: all types (Visa, Mastercard, prepaid cards, etc.)

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Methandienone is a very popular anabolic steroid. Synonyms are Dianabol, D-bol, Methane, Anabol, Danabol, Methane pills, etc.
The release form of the drug is usually pills, but recently injectable forms of methandienone have appeared on the market.
This drug is the most popular and also one of the cheapest anabolic steroids in the UK and worldwide.

methandienone effect

Methandienone is the legendary and oldest anabolic. In fact, it was with him that the era of bodybuilding on steroids began. Arnold Schwarzenegger himself started cutting with Methandienone. And it was with these pills that his first titles were “taken”.

These pills are one of the best options to start your steroid cycle as hundreds of thousands of novice bodybuilders have experienced the effectiveness of the drug.

At the same time, false information about this drug is spread on the Internet, and verbally, by "sub-takes" and simply by people far from sports. They say that all that is written on the steroid methane: «One water and you will merge the whole mass after the course». Or: "The liver will fall off, the penis will not stand up!"
We want to assure you that nothing will fall out and the “support” will be even worse than usual.

In the doses recommended by us, the Methandienone cycle does not have a toxic effect on the liver. And the so-called waterfalls in the mass gained are less than twenty percent.

How to take methandienone? Cycle Recommendations

Beginners usually take Methandienone 30 mg 3 tablets per day for 5-6 weeks. This time, as a rule, is enough to speed up its anabolism and a solid increase in mass and strength indicators.

Some of the so-called old school steroid gurus recommend taking methandienone in a pyramid or slide form, i.e. you start taking 1 tablet the first day, the second day you take 2 tablets, the third three, etc.

We strongly recommend that you start taking Methandienone 1 pill x 3 times a day, in the morning at lunchtime and in the evening, try to take it at the same time during your cycle.
As practice shows, 30-40 mg per day is enough for good results.

What about dosage and administration?

Is it better to drink with water or dissolve under the tongue?

There is an opinion that the resorption of tablets under the tongue allows the drug to bypass the gastrointestinal tract and directly affect the receptor cells. In fact, this is not the case. In any case, the drug is metabolized in the liver. Whatever you say, you won't pass it and you can only fool yourself.

Since the period of action of this steroid is 5-6 hours, the daily dose can be divided into 3-4 doses. You need to take methandienone at regular intervals. It is recommended to take it with or after meals.

These anabolic steroid pills are used in almost any cycle, the most used combinations are:

Methandienone + Deca-Durabolin the classic androgen + anabolic regimen, will allow you to gain 10-12 kg of meat in a course of 7-8 weeks.The dose of methandienone is 30-40 mg per day, nandrolone decanoate – 200-400 mg per week.

Methandienone and Testosterone are either long and short esters. Methane, 30-40 mg per day, mass at 250-500 mg per week. Both medications are subject to aromatization, so you may need to buy Anastrozole on cycle to avoid this effect.

You can use Stanozolol after Methandienone cycle as if to remove excess water and secure recruits. The dose of Stanozolol is 50 mg per day. Apply Winstrol immediately after taking the last Methane tablet.

And of course the Methandienone solo cycle. The dose can start with 20 and end with 50 mg. It is recommended not to cycle for more than 6 weeks.

Methandienone can be included in any mass gaining cycle, at a dosage of up to 50-60mg where it will be combined with injectable medications. In this case, methane should be the only oral steroid in the cycle.

Taking this steroid in the recommended doses will not affect your health in any way. The cycle will be highly effective and safe if our recommendations are followed.

side effects of methandienone

Among the side effects that are quite common, one can single out an increase in blood pressure, the development of gynecomastia (manifests itself in about 1-2% at doses above 50 mg), stops with the use of anti-aromatase drugs , such as Tamoxifen, Proviron, Anastrozol, although the use in the Tamoxifen cycle, we can not call it justified, since the effectiveness of the course decreases. We consider the most acceptable use of anastrozole at a dose of 0.5 mg per day. In this case, you will completely forget about excessive aromatization, get rid of excess water and increase the stiffness of the muscles.I want to point out that there are no irreversible side effects from taking methandienone, and the methane toxicity, at least, is greatly exaggerated. So buying methane will be a very good idea to gain muscle mass.
By the way, 200 grams of alcohol or regularly taking acetaminophen or antibiotics will be much more toxic to the liver than a cycle of methandienone is to the muscles.

Never use hepatoprotectors in the cycle, they prevent the outflow of bile from the liver, which can negatively affect your well-being. These drugs are best for PCT, but are by no means suitable for use on cycle.

It is believed that after taking Methandienone alone, especially if the drug is used in the first cycle, there is no need for course therapy after the cycle. However, the steroid methane, like almost any steroid, suppresses the production of its own testosterone. Therefore, in order to drain the collected in the minimum amount, we recommend that you still drink 20 mg of tamoxifen after the course. a day for three weeks. This will help restore your own testosterone production in the shortest amount of time and virtually prevent a regression. And in the cycle itself, tamoxifen can be useful in suppressing the development of gynecomastia – an increase in the mammary glands of men. Do not be afraid of gynecomastia, if you even have signs of gynecomastia in the course, this process is completely reversible and is suppressed by taking tamoxifen and other anti-aromatase drugs. I recommend keeping Tamoxifen or anastrozole in the medicine cabinet for any course.

Customers Time – Methandienone Reviews

According to the reviews of our clients and professional chemists, as well as from our personal experience and observations, buying Methandienone from any company, you can count on a significant increase in muscle mass, about 5-10 kg during the cycle, it is not the limit of the drug's capabilities.

Bob, 30 years old: “My weight was 55 kg. In two months I became quite a lively athlete, weighing 73 kg. You can use methandienone from different brands. The main thing, the active ingredient is the same – methandienone. It all depends on the decency of a particular manufacturer. For example, a newer drug on the market and, as they say, more effective, but according to my observations, the weight gain of both drugs is almost the same and the amount gained depends on many factors, the most important of which is nutrition rich in protein and calories. Because, as practice shows, ACs practically do not work in conditions of low protein intake. Therefore, remember once and for all: the key to success in gaining mass is a high-protein, high-calorie diet, as well as competent training and rest. Never forget this, and you'll always get substantial weight gains with minimal doses of AAS."

So Methandienone reviews after and during cycle may be different depending on your body condition, nutrition and workouts.

Where to buy methandienone without any risk?

You can find methandienone buy for sale in many online stores, but only our pharmacy offers the original and legitimate methandienone for the lowest in Spain and worldwide. These anabolic steroid pills should definitely be considered for muscle gain Buy Methandienone.
We supply only original Methandrostenolone from trusted manufacturers.

You can order methandienone pills online by adding the required quantity to the basket, entering the recipient's details and pressing the button – place an order. We will keep your privacy and discreetly deliver your package anywhere in Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Andorra, Chile, United States and all over the world!


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